Monday, October 26, 2015


     Hello guys, sorry for being inactive for a while, its just that I have been very busy. But I have, allowed to, and going to show you guys photos that I have shot while I have been in Juarez, Mexico.
Some photos were shot on the way, and on the way home. Thank you guys for being patient with me.

Monday, October 5, 2015


        Sup Guys, Drew here, I got some strawberries to show y'all.
So these are the strawberries I shot and took in the weekend, and I was supposed to take photos with them at certain angles or do something with them that made it interesting in a way. I took a total of around 40 but I going to show like 10, or 12, something around that number so....
         Hold on, I got the photos, its just that I am trying to figure this out on how to show you guys.