Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cool Morning

      Last Saturday, before I visited my Grandpa, I took some pictures while I got bored reading my book outside my house. Just shot them out of nowhere, Lol.

      Also some pictures that I forgot to show before, like 2 weeks ago. I took some photos at my little brothers football game, sadly I didn't have my camera with me, so i really couldn't take good photos with my camera phone from a distance :( . So I took photos of the surroundings with my phone, trying to see what it could do. Apparently in my opinion, it succeeded. :)

Much Love

     Last Sunday, I visited my Grandpa in San Antonio.. He was in the hospital, and sadly... My grandpa David was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. For those who don't know what it is, its basically cancer, more importantly, its on stage 4. I was also notified that he had a 50/50 chance of surviving because Mantle Cell is either has fast or slow growth. If its fast, then most likely he will die. :'(  But if its slow, then David has a chance to survive. He is currently taking chemo, I believe he will be out of the hospital tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

     I took some pictures, only chose 2 to show, but after I took them, I edited them to show importance and emphasis. I love my Grandpa, much love to him.                                                                                                                                        

Thursday, November 5, 2015


This old boring photo is done now, I've re-edited the photo where it shows some length, value, some shine and vibrant. I've kinda pumped up the temperature, contrast, saturation, vinginetting, vibrance to redo this photo I've took.
And it turned into this! :)

Not Really Sure..... : /

These photos were taken in part of an assignment to freeze motion to experiment in 3 categories; general movement as shown above, across movement, and toward movement and panning motion which i have not been so successful. But it is a learning process i guess. What I mean is to have the subject in motion but have the background blurry, or in motion.

Balloon Drop

         Hi guys, I'm back, now with awesome balloon drop pictures which are totally awesome to do. Although it can be difficult if you don't know what to do or don't have any assistance into doing it, but it is fun to do. Some photos that i took don't wasn't in focus because I am not used with the settings and first time thing with high shutter speed settings.
         This one was my favorite, I took the photo, then added a little grain and added vignetting to emphasize on the photo. My ISO was 1600, f/5.6 and shutter speed at 1/2000 sec. As the shutter speed gets faster, the light sensitivity has to be fixed so it isn't dark, so I pumped up the ISO. The F stop is how it is for its field of view.